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Sex Crimes

I specialize in defending against sex offense cases. Accusations of sex crimes can be highly distressing, with potential consequences including incarceration, lifelong sex offender registration, and loss of civil rights, such as the right to bear arms.

We understand that sex crime allegations may stem from false accusations, mistaken identity, or misunderstandings, and we are dedicated to protecting our clients’ rights.

Our approach to defending sex crime charges includes:

  1. Identifying sex crimes in California, which encompass misdemeanors and felonies of a sexual nature, from rape to indecent exposure.
  2. Defending against common sex offenses, including child sexual abuse, date rape, and more.
  3. Explaining the consequences of a sex crime conviction, including registration on the California Meagan’s Law website and other penalties for felony convictions.
  4. Utilizing legal defense strategies like challenging false accusations, demonstrating consent, or exposing insufficient evidence.
  5. Employing proactive defense strategies, such as negotiation with law enforcement, private investigation, polygraph testing, pre-trial motions, plea bargains, trial defense, and sentencing mitigation.

We offer free consultations for clients to discuss potential defenses.. Our goal is to protect your freedom, reputation, professional licenses, and prevent sex offender registration. We’re ready to go to trial when necessary.

Disclaimer: results cannot be guaranteed.